It seems that I can't click anywhere on the internet without being inundated with information about the dirty dozen, salmonella, and the dangers of e. coli. There is always a segment about the dangers of raw eggs. This has made me think the last few times I've baked. When I was little I always licked the spoon when my mother was making cookies, muffins, etc. When we were in college we ate raw cookie dough at least once per week. But now I think twice about doing this, even though I love it. Do you? When did we all get so scared of raw eggs?
you know, i am not a big cookie dough fan, so i rarely think about this.
however, i am a big fan of slightly runny fried eggs.
do those count? (dumb question?)
Have you ever seen any of the old Julia Child cooking lessons which are on YouTube? They're hilarious. She drops chickens on the floor, picks them up and keeps on cutting them up, doesn't wash her hands much, etc. It shows how much industrial farming has affected the way we deal with food today - not a good thing.
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