Wedding Wednesday: Diet Dilemma

Over the summer I was at a dinner party helping myself to a second piece of delicious coconut cake when the girl to my left pointedly asked how my wedding diet was going.


First of all, how rude is that?

Second of all, I did not plan to diet. I always said that I wouldn't be the girl who stopped eating 12 months before her wedding in order to drop two sizes. Unfortunately, my metabolism seems to have hit that late 20's slow down right around the six month countdown mark. Interestingly, women everywhere (including at the doctor's office in Manhattan, where strangers don't interact!) have started whispering that you magically lose five pounds in the last few weeks before your wedding, even if you don't try! Can this possibly be true? Did this happen to any of you?

Regardless, I am hedging my bets and eating five small meals per day. However, if I run into that girl at any more dinner parties, I am going to eat three pieces of cake and tell her that I just lost those five pounds because of good genes.


Anonymous said...

lg, you are the best!

Unknown said...

I think the whole weight loss pre-wedding thing might be if you're nervous and a little stressed. i don't recall having much appetite in the week before my wedding, but neither did I drop 5 lbs. I think just I tried not go on any drinking benders, consume massive amounts of caffeine or deprive myself of sleep. maybe a better way to channel the energy is to focus on having gorgeous, glowing skin instead of depriving yourself of the things that make you happy : )

Samma said...

The same thing happened to me- I was at our drugstore sitting with a friend at the fountain counter, about to order a cheeseburger. One of my best friend's dad came up, and said "Aren't you getting married soon? A cheeseburger?" It burned me up.

I did lose 5 lbs the week before the wedding in water weight, because I didn't eat carbs that week. I tend to get really puffy especially in my face, so that helped for pictures.

neill said...

i didn't diet prior to my wedding, but nerves and stress definitely played a part in my eating habits. i personally felt nautious the entire week before my wedding, which made eating difficult. I doubt I dropped a whole five pounds that week - but my dress fit and that's all I cared about!

Susan D. said...

That was rude. If you want a second piece of cake, then go for it. I did not diet before my wedding, but did end up losing a few pounds. My words of wisdom - make sure you have your dress altered at the very last minute. I had to learn the hard way when it was a tad big on my wedding day.

Nacho's granny said...

I've read this a couple of times now and it still makes me smile. I didn't know you liked coconut cake! And I will try to come up with some stressful situations a month or so before the wedding to help with your "wedding diet".

Emily said...

I dropped about 7 pounds before I got married (4 in the last 2 weeks before the wedding) - but gained it all back (plus some) soon after! Wasn't dieting at all - just running around...